Tuesday, November 16, 2010

KAUlah segalanya

Mungkin hanya Tuhan
Yang tahu segalanya
Apa yang ku inginkan
Di saat-saat ini

Kau tak 'kan percaya
Kau selalu di hati
Haruskah ku menangis
Untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya

Kaulah segalanya bagi ku
Kaulah curahan hati ini
Tak mungkin ku melupakan mu
Tiada lagi yang ku harap
Hanya kau seorang

Kau tak 'kan percaya
Kau selalu di hati
Haruskah ku menangis
Untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya

Kaulah segalanya bagi ku
Kaulah curahan hati ini
Tak mungkin ku melupakan mu
Tiada lagi yang ku harap
Hanya kau seorang

Kaulah segalanya untuk ku
Kaulah curahan hati ini
Tak mungkin ku melupakan mu
Tiada lagi yang ku harap
Hanya kau seorang
Tiada lagi yang ku harap
Hanya kau seorang 


really love this song...!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Do you love Jesus more than me?

Khotbah kelmarin sangat menegur saya.
Lama saya melupakan DIA.
Sangat lama!

Memang salah saya.
Hal yang paling kecil pun saya tidak boleh buat apalagi hal yang besar.

Keadaan yang kucar-kacir,
Saat teduh yang sangat tidak konsisten dan saya rindu betul waktu dulu.

Tuhan, bolehkah buang perasaan saya ini?
Engkau tahu area mana yang paling saya lemah.
Ambil semuanya, saya mau diproses lagi.
Kiranya hal ini yang membuatkan saya jauh dari Mu Tuhan, beri saya kekuatan untuk menghadapinya.

Saya mau CINTA YESUS lebih dari dia.
I want to love You Lord more than him.
I meant it.

Lord I give you my heart.
Saya tidak mau menjaga hati orang lain sudah.
Hati saya sendiri pun tidak terjaga.
Saya mau menjaga hati sendiri dulu sebelum menjaga hati orang lain.

Teach me Lord to love You more...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Masih terasa apa yang 'dia' cakap semalam.
Sangat sakit. Memang sakit hati.
Tapi saya tahu Engkau terlebih dulu disakiti Tuhan.
Tuhan berkati 'dia'.

Apapun yang telah terjadi, ia sudah berlaku dan berlalu.
Saya yakin dan percaya ada kemenangan di dalam Engkau.

Kiranya 'dia' tidak pernah menghargai hasil usaha ku Tuhan, namun jerih payahku tidak pernah sia-sia di dalam Engkau.

Thank You Lord for yesterday.
You make me strong.

"Take heart and be courage all you who hope in the Lord."

You never fail me Lord.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Finishing well

I'm not ready for my bunting and poster presentation this afternoon.
Plus, poster saya belum siap lagi....
Oh no, what have you done sasa?

Still awake at this time...

Lord this is the last week a.k.a week 14 for me!
Why my assignments is still in progress?
I want to finishing well in this semester.

Give me strength and wisdom so that I can do very well.

All for Your Glory Lord!

80% siap untuk baju final, tinggal leher dan mau ubah suai sikit lagi hari rabu ni.
Macam lari dari tema saja saya punya baju ni.
Peduli lar asal ada saya pakai hari sabtu ni.
Terbaik sudah saya buat itu Tuhan.

Terima Kasih untuk kreativiti yang Engkau berikan.
Terima Kasih untuk skill yang Engkau berikan Tuhan, kalau tidak saya tidak pandai menjahit sampai siap baju saya tu.

You are awesome God!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Rasa kecewa, sedih, marah dan tidak dihargai...
Hanya seorang peribadi yang akan melenyapkan semua perasaan itu.


Sahabat yang paling setia dalam hidup saya.
KasihNya menutupi segala sesuatu.

Terima kasih BAPA!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sudah hantar tesis + folio jahitan.
Berkurang sudah beban sikit...
Sekarang mau fokus baju final + fashion show on 30 Oct 2010.
Macam biasa saja saya jahit.
Simple, asal ada saya pakai masa fashion show tu.
Tinggal mau cantum lagi esok hari.
Saya percaya siap juga esok tu.


Lepas tu mau tambah hiasan sikit kalau ada masa dan sempat buat lar.

Masuk bulan ke-2


Thank you for the RED ROSE Darling Timo.
We need quality time together right?
Can't wait for my long holiday....!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Yesterday was history

Yesterday was history.
Bangun pagi, baru dapat idea macam mana mau buat poster. Kenapalah last minute ko baru keluar?
Siap poster, rasa lega pula tapi bila buka dalam photoshop sangat mengecewakan. terpaksa mengulangi kerja sampai 5 kali sebab kesilapan sendiri.
Memang menguji kesabaran pula bila jadi macam ni.
Bersyukur juga semuanya baik-baik selepas itu.

Everything was going smooth that day.
Melepaskan semua perasaan sendiri di Library.
Serabut fikiran.
Dalam keadaan separa sedar.
Tapi back to normal again juga.
Thank You Papa!

Mansau pergi Pesta Konvo.
Bersama Cyn, Liya and Sherry.
My Darling Timo.
Rupanya lama sudah kita tidak spend quality time together.
Sangat menghargai saat-saat seperti itu.
I will miss it very much.

Apapun yang berlaku, biarlah ucapan syukur senantiasa keluar di mulutku.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rely on

I need someone that I can rely on!

Really frustrating!

Sometimes it's hurt me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm done with my typography and bunting folio!
But still rushing with my poster design and have to submit this Thursday before 5.00pm.
Dear Lord, I really need an idea to design something new. Please!

Oh my thesis!
What have I done for you?
I know you miss me right?
Sorry oh my thesis.
Tomorrow is a better day to start my day with you.

Lebih baik mendiamkan diri daripada banyak bercakap.
I better shut my mouth.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


What a hectic day and the weeks to come.

Savior please!

Friday, October 8, 2010

In Love with my best friend

My favorite song!
His favorite song too!
Deeply in love with my best friend.
So in love with my Darling Timo.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Psalm 18:6

"In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; . . . my cry came before Him, even to His ears."

Lord, thank You so much!
Your words give me hope
give me strength.
I just don't know how to overcome it.
But You have been so GOOD to me Lord!

Saat ku tak melihat jalanMu
Saat ku tak mengerti rencana Mu
Namun tetap ku pegang janjiMu
Pengharapan ku hanya padaMu.
Hatiku percaya!

5 Oct 2010
Blessed be with my Darling.
Happy Birthday

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy birthday My Darling

I do cherish and love you!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Tiba-tiba saja ni ayat keluar dari fikiran saya.

"Jangan pernah menyesali apa yang berlaku dalam hidupmu, jangan  juga meragukan apa yang di hadapanmu. Sebab Tuhan yang menjaga hidupmu."

Thank You Lord Jesus.Because of Your Grace, I am free
I am saved.


Stop being childish sasa.

Grow up!
Be mature!

Lord, give me a sense of love to love them.
Love is not jealousy right my Lord?

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Argh.....Tuhan saya tidak mampu lagi ni sudah....betul-betul banyak kerja. Sampai banyak tugasan yang tertinggal.

Sempat ka tidak tu  final jahitan saya kena jahit ni?
Final jahit minggu 14 + fashion show + slek + cheongsam

Belum lagi tesis.
Minggu 12 kena hantar sudah.

Reka tanda punya kerja lagi minggu-minggu kena hantar.
Minggu 11 : folio typography
Minggu 12 : folio bunting
Minggu 13 : poster mesti siap
Minggu 14 : folio poster
Minggu 15 : assesment

Multimedia lagi...
courseware...nasib grouping.

Semua yang tiada final lagi ni...

Asuhan kanak-kanak punya paper 2 Dec

Jangan saja lar sakit teruk masa-masa genting ni.

Tuhan bagi saya kekuatan melalui minggu-minggu yang mencabar ni.
Saya sangat perlukan Kau Tuhan saat ini.

Mau nangis pun tidak guna, kasi sayang air mata saya saja untuk benda-benda macam ni.
Lebih baik air mata saya ni untuk Tuhan.

Saat teduh saya ambil masa 5 minit saja banding dulu.
Kecewa dengan diri saya sendiri.
Sangat kecewa.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dilahirkan untuk jadi pencipta dan diciptakan untuk berhasil.

Tuhan Kaulah Pencipta ku dan sumber segala sesuatu.
Berikan ku kreativiti dan inovasi.
I don't have any idea in my mind now.
I'm stuck and blur.

Ibrani 11: 1
"Iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti segala sesuatu yang kita tidak lihat."

In everything that I do, I give it all for Your Glory.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

O Lord...

I have to sacrifice my time.
Can't handle it anymore.

Dear Lord, please give me wisdom to manage my time with You and my works.
I don't want to miss any moment with You Lord.
I really need You in my life.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apa sudah jadi?

Tuhan, apa sudah jadi sama saya ni?
Tidak mampu sudah saya tanggung sendiri.
Rasa sangat penat!!!
Mana satu yang menjadi prioriti saya sebenarnya?
Saya fikir senang untuk dimengerti tapi hakikatnya sukar sekali.

I can't do nothing without You Lord.
I really need You now.
Hope and Strength

Into my heart

He took my heart and now I am falling in love with him.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fall in love again!

Love is in the air.

Really blessed with him.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Praise Him

Thank God semuanya berjalan dengan baik sekali masa Praise and Worship Ahad lepas. First time jadi worship leader huhuh...gementar sangat, gegar lagi tangan pegang tu mic. Walaupun, mic tidak berfungsi ahakZZzzz...tapi tidak apa lar, belajar dari pengalaman kan. Saya tau yang Dia bekerja di dalam saya. Terima kasih Tuhan!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tugasan 2: Jurnal

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm learning multimedia!

Currently learning adobe photoshop and illustrator...

Typography is fun but it's hard to do it in AI.

new on me...huh!!!

Rush...rush...a lot of things to catch up...

 Sibuk dengan jahitan tangan saja...
 I wonder...ada 5 pasang lagi kena jahit!!!   

 Lord, I need extra energy please!!!
 Plus, wisdom, idea and creativity to design my final project for busana muslimah.

Monday, July 19, 2010

susah hati lagi

Rasa sangat penat bila susah hati.
saya tidak tau macam mana kasi selesai.


I trust my Papa Jesus.
wonderful things He has made.


Lord, give me a calm and peaceful heart.
All things are possible!!!

Amsal 16:32
Orang yang sabar melebihi seorang pahlawan.

Dalam hidup orang yang sabar selalu ada banyak kesempatan untuk Allah bekerja. Amen!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

Dia berjanji dengan saya semuanya akan baik-baik saja.
sangat bahagia...
Thank You Lord.
Urusan minggu ni sudah selesai.

Cabaran yang mendatang pula kena jahit :
1. Baju kurung tradisional
2. Baju kebaya
3. Cheongsam
4. Slek
5. Gaun kanak-kanak

Final project : Busana Muslimah

Aduiii.....macam mana lar ni.

Tuhan, sa tidak pandai menjahit ni. ^_^ Bagi sa hikmat.
Perlu duit jua
Semuanya untuk-Mu Tuhan.

Idea oh idea marilah datang kepada ku.

All things are possible in Him.

p/s: Tuhan pun tahu ku cinta kau.

Monday, July 12, 2010

In memory

Blacky sa rindu ko.
Sangat rinduuuuu...

In memory : Blacky
10 July 2010.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Very blessed!

It's a very blessed weekend.

Bah main bowling kita! ^_^
1 kali strike.
2-3 spare.
Lain kali mau main lagi ni tau.
Terima kasih uncle Lulu!

Tinguk Toy Story 3.
p/s: Shiera lain kali ketawa kontrol sikit ketara betul suara ko bah.

"Ada juga sahabat yang lebih karib dari pada seorang saudara."- Amsal 18:24

Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is so true!

"Every human being on earth whether he admits it or not carries in his soul a dream, a sense of destiny, a longing for something greater than himself. God is the Dream Giver, and only He can fulfill your deepest desire" -BRUCE WILKINSON-

Dream giver : JESUS is the answer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what you say?

I'm in a holiday mode and with my new hair

Messy hair, but that was then...
Harhar...I'm cute.

16-17 June :
vacation to Keningau & Taman Pertanian Tenom

Finished with "Lady in Waiting".
I found out :
1. 10 keys to be the women of God.
2.  to stay pure in singleness.
You have to read this ladies!

Bought new book at Harris, 1B yesterday.
I'm currently reading "The Secret of the Lord" by Dannah Gresh.

 Psalm 25:14
I like & thumbs up!

p/s: 16 days to go :(

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lady in Waiting

is not finding the right man,
but becoming the right women.

The Lady in Waiting
recklessly abandons herself
to the Lordship of Christ,
diligently uses her single days,
trust God with unwavering faith,
demonstrates virtue in life,
loves God with undistracted devotion,
stands for physical and emotional purity,
lives in security,
responds to life in contentment,
makes choices based on her convictions,
and wants patiently for God to meet her needs. 

p/s: credits to Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones
* I'm currently reading Lady in Waiting ( journal & study guide) *

o happy day

What a wonderful day....^_^

His love for me would never last.

School holiday mode. (I mean the cousins)

May 31 : Aki Monggiok's family reunion. 
Hampir 800 lebih orang yang hadir dalam perjumpaan keluarga besar  kali ke-4 Aki Monggiok untuk tahun ini. We had joy we had fun even though it was raining that day. More to come for the next reunion, bertambahlah kaum kerabat, cucu-cicit Aki Monggiok. Amen!

June 4-5 : Kundasang, Poring
Wah lamanya tidak pigi Kundasang sejak 2 tahun yang lalu. 
Wah lamanya tidak pigi Poring sejak 2003....hohoho....ruginya tidak mandi sebab tiada kawan. Takut lemas sebab bukan terer pun sa berenang. Harharhar.

June 6 : 3D movie at Suria KK
Tengok AVATAR. 
I fall asleep. ^_^

June 7 : Julia Hair Saloon
New hair.
New look.
I look cute now.
Pendek suda rambut sa.
Rambut sa macam itu yang twins nyanyi "officially missing you"

June 8 : Pappa Rich Restaurant/Cafe, City mall
Nice place.
Nasi ayam stim - buli tahan lar, ngam selera sa.
Next time sa try yang lain lagi.

They love me.
Thanks Aunty Rita & Uncle Sonny! Abundantly bless ya, Jared too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm back

David was missing on May 5/6, 2010. Can't remember the date ^_^ 
Sasa cute miss David. -_-

Jerih payah ku tidak sia-sia.
Terima Kasih Tuhan Yesus.
Dean list.
PNGK menghampiri dean list sudah.
Untuk pertama kalinya subjek minor ada A & A-
Penantian yang tidak sia-sia selama 2 sem tunggu minor ada A.
Credits for my ID, Landscape and Catering.
Jadi tunggu kena belanja makan saja lar ni...harharhar (^^;)

Saat-saat yang bahagia.

p/s: tanya hati tapi siapa yang jawab?

Adriel Ebenazer Djeevan

I'm a Boy!!!
meet my little nephew
born on May, 16 2010

Aunty sasa cute in love!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yeremia 17: 5-8

 5 Beginilah firman TUHAN :
" terkutuklah orang yang 
mengandalkan manusia, 
yang mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri,
dan yang hatinya menjauh daripada TUHAN!
6 Ia akan seperti semak bulus
di padang belantara, 
ia tidak akan mengalami
datangnya keadaan baik;
ia akan tinggal di tanah angus 
di padang gurun, 
di negeri padang asin yang tidak berpenduduk.

7 Diberkatilah orang yang
 mengandalkan TUHAN,
yang menaruh harapanya pada TUHAN!
8 Ia akan seperti pohon yang ditanam di tepi air,
yang merambatkan akar-akarnya
ke tepi batang air,
dan yang tidak mengalami
datangnya panas terik,
yang daunnya tetap hijau,
yang tidak kuatir dalam tahun kering,
dan yang tidak berhenti
menghasilkan buah."

Orang yang mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri tidak akan mendapat berkat.
Tetapi berkat melimpah ke atas mereka yang mengandalkan kekuatan sepenuhnya daripada Tuhan.
Berjalanlah bersama-sama Tuhan dan semuanya pasti akan baik-baik saja!

Surrender your life to Him and live for Him only.
Jesus Love me 
I promise!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Let's just be friends

Lord, I already do my part and now I let You do the rest for me.

Thank You for what had happened yesterday.
New hope!
New love!
New spirit!

I want more of Jesus!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let it go!

I'm having a conversation with my mum today on the phone.

Girl's talk.

My mum is funny.

I post  this on my facebook " Lord, I choose to let it go"
I never thought that my mum will read it and later she called me.

Mum: apa yang ko post di facebook?
Me: apa? (pura-pura tidak tau)
Mum: I let go? I choose let go?
Me: erm...(sambil ketawa lagi)
Mum: apa tu? kenapa?
Me: sa mau kasi lupa lar....mo kasi lupa hal lalu, masa lalu sa.
Mum: bah, bagus lar bah tu. Ngam lar ko buat macam tu. Jan lagi fikir ar.
Me: ok!

Then we continue with other story. Hahahaha...I laughed when she told me about relationship.

Mum: ko betul -betul suka dia ka?
Me: Iya.
Mum: dia suka ko ka?
Me: entah lar, sa pun tia tau ni. (confuse)
Mum: jan lar ko cari yang jauh-jauh, cari yang dekat-dekat saja bah.
Me: mumy, mana ko ble halang sa. (hahahaha) kalau Tuhan cakap itu suda macam mana?
Mum: yalar, tapi cari dulu yang dekat-dekat lar. Kasian sa tiada kawan nanti.
Me: dorang ben, adi ada bah. (hahaha)
Mum: itu lain crita, sa mo anak perempuan sa....hehehe
Me: muahahahah...

Lucu betul sa rasa bila mumy persoalkan pasal hubungan ni.
Mau saja kasi stop conversation macam tu.
But then I have a great conversation with my mum.

p/s: Mumy, if you reading this *hahahahah* I really like him!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

saya mau ikut...!!!

sa mau ikut...
sa mau ikut...
sa mau ikut...

hati saya memberontak mau ikut ni...
kalau tiada assessment time tu...
adui...sakit hati juga kalau fikir balik...
saya lar orang yang paling berkobar-kobar mau ikut...

hurm...apa boleh buat bukan masanya.
lagipun tiada sudah duit saya ni cukup-cukup untuk print color and sampai balik KK saja lagi.
memang Tuhan itu tahu betul keperluan saya sampai Dia tidak bagi saya join ni kem.

saya mau mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan atas perbuatan-Nya
pasti ada yang lebih baik lagi bahkan waktu yang tepat Dia beri kesempatan untuk join kem ni.
I trust You Lord!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

miss it!

Minggu yang penuh dengan keluhan dan komplen daripada diri sendiri.

I'm tired.

Kenapa masih ada kerja ni.
Next week ada assesment lagi, orang lain start study sudah.
For me...still struggling with my assignments.

And for sure I miss a lots of thing happening around me this week and next week too.

banyak betul saya terlepas ni kali.
mau join itu tapi tidak dapat join pula.

Really want to cry right now!
so damn want to join!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thank You Lord

aku hendak bersyukur pada Tuhan
kerna keadilannya
dan bermazmur bagi nama Tuhan yang mahatinggi
ya Tuhan, Tuhan kami betapa mulianya
nama-Mu Tuhan kami
dimuliakan atas s'luruh bumi.

betapa ku mencintai-Mu Tuhan
betapa ku mengasihi-Mu Yesus
ku berikan semua hanya kepada-Mu

I can't live without You!

Lord, do a new work in my heart and life now so that I will begin to focus on becoming all You created me to be. Help me to wholeheartedly trust You to bring the right relationships into my life at just the right time. Please reveal to me any destructive patterns that I might have in my life today, and show me how to gain the freedom that is mine in Christ. Thank You Lord, no matter how badly I've failed in the past, I can begin to walk in victory as I give You first place in my life! What I experience disappointment and heartache, comfort me and fill me with a fresh sense of hope. I can live without the things of this world, Lord- but I can't live without You!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuhan, hari ini saya rasa sangat penat!
Ampuni saya Tuhan sebab komplen saja tapi tidak pandai bersyukur.

Tuhan, Engkau tahu apa yang saya alami buat masa ini.
Saya tidak tau sudah apa yang perlu saya lakukan.
Namun saya percaya, Engkau sumber kekuatan saya.
Pada siapakah ku akan takut?

4pm-12am. 8 hours! wow...congratulation sasa! you've made it...nonstop doing my work with Wan my best pren!

p/s: makan pun lupa sudah. tiada selera tengok makanan. sanggup berlapar lagi saya. erm...salah satu cara  untuk berdiet!  ^_^

Monday, April 5, 2010


Saya fikir minggu last ni sudah relax lar...tau-tau minggu depan ada assesment model ID.
Masa rehat ku terganggu lagi...rancangan tergendala!!!

Wanita Bijak saya tidak dapat join!!!



belum masanya ka ni???


Saturday, April 3, 2010

proudly present

top view

dining room, mini library and kitchen

guest room, home office, master room and living room

master room

House of glory
Truely mine.
No copy and paste.
Handmade by me.
What you say?

Problem loading on some of the picture...
but will upload again soon!

Friday, April 2, 2010

reporting myself!

Selama dua minggu tidak cukup tidur dan telah mengorbankan masa tidur ku itu, akhirnya siap juga model ID saya. Sudah hantar di studio tadi petang tapi tiada lecturer masa tu . Happynya. Kurang sudah satu bebanan kerja.

Really exhausted and tiring weeks for me and still one more week to go.

Still have to do with the folio and presentation board for my model.
This coming Monday is my big day.
Have to present it very well for my final project of this model.

This is what I did for two weeks. Not enough sleep, energy. If it is not God who give me strength then I will not finished my model. Terima kasih Tuhan sebab Engkau menuntun saya. Terima kasih untuk idea yang Engkau berikan. I love You Jesus! Tidak lupa roomate saya Cynthia yang memberikan motivasi di kala kesibukan. Sorry for the inconvenience sebab tidak tutup lampu masa kau tidur. hehehe! Yeah, my housemates also Sherry and Elliah yang ada tolong sikit-sikit semalam. Luv ya!

And...thanks to 'someone' for treating me yesterday.
You know who you are!

p/s: Can't  upload the pictures right now but will upload it soon!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mood : (

kelas ID batal hari ni.ok. last nite slept only 2 hours. bad dream. and I'm still blur until now. 4 o'clock in the morning is the best time for landing. will continue it until the end of week 14. time goes by. waiting for the answer. can't hardly wait. preparing myself to hear the answer. He knows me well. and for sure the best for me.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

two weeks to go

argh....tidak sabar mau habis kuliah + asaimen....

model 3D ID...why...why...why...still don't have any idea...
kemalasan itu melanda lagi
macam mana ba mau buat ni...???

most of my friends had finish their assignment and I'm jealous.
so jealous...

minggu 13 kena submit model 3D, risau kena reject and buat balik saja.
minggu 14, hari isnin pula assesment model 3D...
God let me get through this and give me a love to do my work.
Not forget wisdom too.

waktu tidur tidak tetap untuk minggu ini.
lewat tidur saja nampaknya.
but still i have enough strength.Thank You Lord.
2 minggu lagi nampaknya rutin tidur lewat dan tidak cukup tidur akan berterusan.
apa pun...bersyukur selalu

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Fikir asaimen mesti pening.
Pening sebab terlalu fikir asaimen.
Sampai pigi gereja pun masih lagi fikir asaimen.
naaa...mendua hati sudah saya ni.

Hilang fokus!!!
Pening lagi....sakit kepala kalau tengok itu asaimen saya.
malam ni ada komsel di rumah, mau saja saya excape komsel, nasib kena buat di rumah saya kalau tidak memang saya tidak pigi sudah tu. *Mendua hati lagi*

Dia mengerti dan peduli hal saya.
Kenapa lagi saya meragui kekuatan Dia?

Lord, You know what I'm up against today. Sometimes my problems seem so big that all I can see is them and not you. Help me to take my eyes off the giants in my life and fix them on You. Cause me realize how big a God You really are and how willing you are to face all my problems with me, if I'll let You. Thank You that with You beside me, the victory is mine!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Found peace in prayer

 Philippians 4: 6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer 
and petition, with thanksgiving, presents your request to God. 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

This verses were the ones that convinced me that God really does wants us to pray about everything.
Don't wait the little problems become big problems.
Present them to God right away, and even when He doesn't answer your prayers the way you expect Him to, He always does something to ease the strain.

You know what, God is interested in every detail of your life.
What problems and frustrations did you carry yesterday
that you could have turned over to the  Lord?
Make note of them so that to day you can walk carefree.

Start today to pray about anything and everything concerns you, 
and then enjoy the peace and satisfaction that settle over you when you do!

Lord, I'm sorry for all the times I carried burdens I didn't have to, all because I neglected to bring them upon You in prayer. Open my eyes and my heart, and help me to see how much You love me and how much You care about every little concern of mine. whenever I am tempted to shoulder my burdens alone, please remind me to turn to You in prayer, and then surround me with Your perfect, healing peace. Amen!

我 太 愛 他

我 太 愛 他

容 易

沒 有 那 麼 容 易

Is my love for Him agape or philleo?

Monday, March 15, 2010

The twins

They are really cute!!!
like the haircut...

nice lyric...


Friday, March 12, 2010

busy mode

-_- busy...busy...busy...

1. Model 3D  for landscape
2. Model 3D for interior design

Cukup lagi ka duit saya ni ar?

Ada lagi kajian luar minggu depan, tempat pun belum cari lagi. Main serbu saja lar ni.

Banyaknya kerja ni...sampai minggu 14, orang lain siap kerja minggu 12. Adui, cemburunya saya!!!

Church activities:
1. Praise & Worship Festival - 21 March
2. 28 March as a worship leader. Still have no idea what to do. I'm so nervous!

19 March meeting my cousin at KL, Mr.Bruno is coming back to Malaysia, I can't wait to meet him.

Lord give me strength to overcome this situation. I trust You Lord because You are my Mighty God!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hear my cry O Lord

Lord, forgive me for the times I lost faith in You when my prayers weren't answered the way I expected. Teach me how to pray and stand in faith for You to work miracles on my behalf when I'm faced with adversity. Make me steadfast in my devotion to You, so that I will remain faithful to You, even when I don't get my way.Thank You that You are worthy of my trust, devotion, and praise!

If you know you loved by the King live for HIM


You are the King of Kings
I will exalt Your name
I will sing of Your love forever
I will worship You with all my heart

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

march oh march


Saya tidak sangka hal ini akan terjadi juga.

Berapa kali sudah saya mengelak dan membuat alasan.

Akhirnya, digenapi Tuhan.

and beautiful in His time.

21 March 2010 : Multimedia

28 March 2010 : Worship Leader

Nervous and its my first time.
Perlu doa dan puasa bulan ni.

 Isaiah 25:1
“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.”

Saturday, March 6, 2010

offline mode

I'm currently offline mode for my cafe world.

No cafe world for this month.

A lots of thing to settle down this month.

I need EXTRA energy!!!

A SHATTERED HEART: Finding God Amidst a Dating Break-up

I found out this e-book at www.NeedNotFret.com.


You can download it and it's free!
Enjoy reading everyone.

Thanks to :
Kevin L.Howard

Friday, March 5, 2010

Writing dried-up my brain

Actually i'm doing my interior design assignment with the four macho man...(^^;).

The tasks is we have to research ten interior design for commercial space of restaurant and cafe.
We already had found six and still need four more.


How many times i have to do this?

Saya tidak suka menulis esei...maksud saya dalam bentuk yang panjang.
Tiada idea apa yang mau ditulis sebenarnya.
Saya lebih kepada hands-on assignment.
Macam tu...

Itulah saya sebenarnya.

Lord, i don't have any idea right now.
I ask You to give me wisdom so that i can do my work with Your help.
Give me a heart to do everything in love.
To do my assignment with love.

Come idea...come!
I need you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meet my clumsy DAVID



My favourite food is kangkung.

erm...sejak bila pula David jadi hak milik saya ni?

Early morning

2.45 a.m

Suddenly wake up at this time after slept from 9pm-2.15am.
Enough sleep?

It's a tiring day for me.
I've stand in kitchen yesterday for 8 hours.
Gosh...my leg is hurt.
Having such a great time with my partner for main course and the team also.
Yeah...our team did a very good job.
So, lecturer said no need to do staff report.
Thanks God!

My devotion today. This is from my favorite daily devotional : Jawaban.com

Amsal 24:3
"Dengan hikmat rumah didirikan, dengan kepandaian itu ditegakkan"

1. Membangun mezbah keluarga di rumah dengan membaca alkitab bersama-sama. 
2. Mendoakan ahli keluarga dengan menyebut nama mereka setiap hari.
3. Bagi yang sudah berkahwin, suami isteri perlu menyerahkan pernikahan itu kepada Kristus.

No 1 : not yet in my family
No 2 : already pray for them, is a must for me to say each of my family member's name in my prayer
No 3 : Hoho...a future reminder for me. Will do it for sure. Yay!

Perubahan suatu bangsa dimulai dari perubahan dalam keluarga.

Me my family.

Time to sleep again.
Good rest for me.
Need extra energy.
Have class this morning.

Thank You Lord. 
I Love You so much.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I want it...

Sewing Machine in my mind right now.
I'm thinking to buy it next semester.
Budget between RM500-RM850.
Brand: Singer...maybe

Dari mana saya mau dapat duit beli ni?
ptptn? maybe.
Daddy? pencen sudah.
Mummy? maybe.

Have faith. Pray more to my beloved Rich Heavenly Father.
He knows before i ask Him.

Ibrani 13:5
" Aku tidak akan membiarkan kamu; Aku tidak akan meninggalkan kamu"

Dia sumber segala sesuatu.

Matius 7:7
" Mintalah, maka akan diberikan kepadamu; carilah, maka kamu akan mendapat; ketoklah, maka pintu akan dibukankan bagimu."

As He says : Ask, seek and knock.

Have faith in Him.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello March

Welcome March...!!!

2.30 a.m and its March.

Semalam saya menyiapkan tugasan sehingga tidak sedar hari ini masuk bulan March.
Finish 2/4 of my assignments. WeeeHeeee...
Walaupun tidak siap semua tapi saya tau pasti akan selesaikan semuanya itu. Pasti!

Dear Papa J,
Terima kasih kerana berikan kekuatan yang EXTRA kepada sasa ...
I can feel it...and yes i really do.
Kalau tidak mana mungkin saya belum tidur pada jam ini. Mustahil..!!!
Walaupun semester ini saya sudah kurangkan waktu tidur saya...
erm...and still a little bit slow for me to do my work and stuff.
I know You are the only one that give me an EXTRA strength for this matters.

This is my devotion for this morning and i really love it.

Mazmur 91:2
Tempat perlindunganku dan kubu pertahananku,
Allahku yang kupercayai.

See...i told you, HE is the one who gave me strength.
I'll do what You've told me to...
No more excuse rite? (^^;)

HE make me whole again.
I really miss HIM so much.
When will i see You again?

p/s: March is self-disicipline mode for sasa.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

End of February

Last day of  February.

Fikiran berterabur...tidak tau apa yang saya sudah buat selama sebulan ni.
Devotion tidak konsisten. This is really...really BAD.
Sorry Lord for that and next time no excuse for me.

Arghhh...sasa what have you done!!!


March is coming soon. Yes it's tomorrow.

2 Timothy 1:7
"God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

Self-disicipline is must for this new month.
I will not make it without my Papa Jesus. 
I am nothing without Him in my life.

I've heard this song while updating my blog. 
It gives me strength spiritually. 
Thank You Lord because you always love me.


Ajar ku terlebih lagi
mengasihi Mu
bawa ku mengerti isi hati Mu
baharuilah batinku dengan kuasa Roh Mu
inilah s'genap hidup ku
ku brikan bagi Mu
selama hidupku rindu menyatakan kemurahan Mu
yang tlah Kau perbuat di hidupku
kerna Kau terlebih rindu tuk pulihkan ku
bawa ku menjadi kesayangan Mu

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meeting David again!

It's been two weeks after I send 'it' back to his owner.

And finally, David is back again here in my house.
*actually my room* (^^,)

Not eating much, maybe it's the1st day for 'him' again.
Still 'he' likes to kacau cyn's property.
He know where to go actually.
Looking forward what will happen in a few days.

will update soon!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Books Collection

By: Joshua Harris
1. I Kissed Dating Goodbye
2. Boy Meets Girl Say Hello To Courtship

I already read both of this books twice. Really love the storyline.
Saya tidak pernah puas membacanya berulang kali.
Ada beberapa buah buku dari penulis ini belum lagi saya dapat cari dan membelinya.
Misi mencari akan datang!!!
Saya belum baca habis lagi buku ini. Hehehe...
Saya belajar bagaimana meminta maaf dengan orang lain.

seperti apa ya?
Read this book and you will know it.

Credits to both of them.

For single women!
Suits me well.
I like!

p/s: Actually there are more than six collections I have. Will update it here!

I'm not a desperate girls finding for the Mr.Right. LOL
Persiapan saja sebenarnya.

Monday, February 15, 2010


How i wish...
i would never met him in my life.
never knew him before.
How i wish that will happen,
 but i know it will not...

Mistakes that i have done in my past  make me know HIM more.
You knew my story.
You knew what had happened.
I am sorry my dear Papa Jesus.
Forgive my sins.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gabungan komsel + Gong xi fa cai + Valentine Day


Today i'm surrounded by love...Yes...i'm in love (^_^)
Hari ini ada gabungan komsel di gereja. 
Luar biasa!!!
Persembahan komsel mantap.

Hari ini sambutan Tahun Baru Cina.
Atmosphere of the celebration is just simple.
Banyak kedai cina tutup.
Tidak dapat makan babi!!!

I heart Papa Jesus.
I love Papa Jesus so much!!!

Nothing special on valentine's day this year.
I don't celebrate 14 February because...
Everyday is feel with love from the Heavenly Father.


I LOVE HIM with all my HEART

Friday, February 12, 2010

Trusting More Worrying Less

It's Friday and i'm free today.

Feels like to share something here.

What a week for me.
If i have no God in my life, what would happen to me?
Week feels with anger, sad, tension, frust, tired...etc.
Everything is mix up.

What a faithful God i have, He ask me to trust Him more.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,
in all of your ways acknowledge Him, He will make your path straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord, teach me to trust in You,
I want to trust You more each and every single day of my life.

God is Good all the time,
All the time God is Good.

Awesome God i have!
He provide me everything before i ask Him.

He ask me not to worry about everything.
Yes Lord, i will not because You say so.

Filipi 4:6
"Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apa pun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur."

Trusting more.
Worrying less.

Have a bless.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010




*Updating my blog*

Really miss to write something here.

A lot of things happened last week.

1. Celebrating my birthday with my besties Corina, Timotius my church member + friend. Oppsss...and the one who celebrated the same birth date with me which is Bro. Anderias also my church member.

2. Field trip to Sg. Buloh mencari nurseri. Wow, I felt in love with the flowers. Later that day we went to One Utama (1U), sesat lagi kami baa ikut gerak hati saja. Confident...!!! Sampai disana karaoke time...huhu...

3. Saya dan Corina pergi ambil lesen kereta. (^^;). A birthday present from my dady, dia masukkan duit ke dalam akaun bank saya khas untuk lesen kereta. Thank You Dady!!!

4. David going back home...!!!

p/s: what a blessed week!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It almost 1 week David live with me.
I took care for 'him'.
He is funny...so...so...funny.

He so damn like Cynthia's.
Mengacau barang orang saja.

This is Cyn's conversation with me and Corina.

Me        : Dia suka pigi tempat c cyn tu...
Cyn       : Iyaa...kalau sana tempat dia membaca. Kalau yang tu naa tempat dia buat devotion.
Cor       : Ahahahahaha...lucu si David...

Yes, I also think 'he' likes to read. Hahaha

p/s :David likes to eat kangkung very much and a lot...!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am special

2 FEBRUARY...this is why I love February so much...!!!

The BEST gift I ever had is my Heavenly Father who created me.
I know He loves me so much.
No words can describe it.
That is why I am special.

Praise the Lord!
Saya masih lagi bernafas selama 23 tahun hidup di bumi.
Bukan dengan kekuatan saya tapi semuanya atas kasih anugerah-Nya Tuhan.
Terima Kasih Tuhan Engkau telah menjaga dan memelihara saya.
Engkau sumber segalanya dalam hidup saya.
Engkau menyediakan rancangan yang sangat indah menjangkaui batas pemikiran saya.
Tiada suatu pun yang tersembunyi bagi-Mu.

Di saat jatuh ke lembah yang paling gelap,
Kau menghulurkan tangan-Mu.
Tidak Kau lihat dosa itu
Tetapi kasih Mu itulah yang menyelamatkan hidup saya.

Selama matahari masih bersinar
Selama masih lagi bernafas
Aku akan berharap terus pada-Mu.

Thank You Papa Jesus...!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Baby

It's February 2010...

It's not that i'm getting older one year again.

January ends very fast...
Saya tidak rasa pun masa begitu cepat sekali berlalu.
Azam baru ada yang belum dilaksanakan lagi.
Tidak apa masih ada lagi baki sebelas bulan.
Semangat ni...(^^;)

Tuhan terima kasih untuk bulan yang baru ini.

February oh...February...

My favorite months.
I like February so much...
Getting older is confusing me.
So much to think...
So much to dream...
So much to learn...

But I know it is...

Not by my sight
Not by my strength

All because of You...

My hope is in You Lord.
And I trust You with all my heart.
You are faithfull and truth.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sasa meet David

I met David last night.

A shy, clumsy and very cute tortoise actually.

David adalah hak milik orang sebenarnya.
Saya hanya meminjamnya untuk sementara waktu saja.
Saya dapati David...
Suka tempat yang gelap dan tidak makan sayur bayam.(^^;)

Clumsy...clumsy...clumsy and cute David.
I like you!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Awesome God

Allah mana seperti Allah ku
tidak ada tidak ada
Tuhan mana seperti Tuhan ku
Dia benteng perisai
menara pembebasan
bagi orang yang percaya pada-Nya

S'bab Kau besar
perbuatan Mu ajaib
tiada seperti Engkau


How great and awesome God I have...!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Books I Love....

I am currently reading More Than A Match & Passion and Purity. I really love it so much.

I just bought it last week at Borders Times Square.


So much to learn...and i'm still learning it.

It's for me and the single women also. Men too! (^^;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hari ini PTPTN telah bank-in duit dalam akaun Bank Islam saya. Thank You Lord for the money! Terima Kasih PTPTN! (^^;).

Hari ini juga, my roomate Cynthia telah menunaikan janji imannya kepada housematenya. Yahooooo...kena belanja makan lagi. Our first time dinner together. Thanks Cyn, Luv ya!!!

Esok akan turun ke KL bersama-sama dengan housemate ku yang gila-gila. Our first time "hang kai" together at  Berjaya Times Square. Saya tidak larat berjalan jauh dan biasanya saya akan ke MPH Bookstore Mid Valley hanya untuk membeli buku sahaja tapi untuk esok harinya setakat di BTS sahaja nampaknya. Got something to buy tomorrow for myself.

FYI : I am not a shopoholic girl but i'm addicted to books. I love to read books!!!

Pencarian mencari buku yang berkenan di hatiku. Misi mencari buku di BORDERS. I can't wait.

Wish to have a great time with them tomorrow.

p/s: The books is for my birthday present actually... (^_^) v

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Me and my besties a.k.a Corina kena saman today.

Full stop.


Mengeluh tapi tetap bersyukur.


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