Monday, March 29, 2010

Mood : (

kelas ID batal hari ni.ok. last nite slept only 2 hours. bad dream. and I'm still blur until now. 4 o'clock in the morning is the best time for landing. will continue it until the end of week 14. time goes by. waiting for the answer. can't hardly wait. preparing myself to hear the answer. He knows me well. and for sure the best for me.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

two weeks to go

argh....tidak sabar mau habis kuliah + asaimen....

model 3D ID...why...why...why...still don't have any idea...
kemalasan itu melanda lagi
macam mana ba mau buat ni...???

most of my friends had finish their assignment and I'm jealous.
so jealous...

minggu 13 kena submit model 3D, risau kena reject and buat balik saja.
minggu 14, hari isnin pula assesment model 3D...
God let me get through this and give me a love to do my work.
Not forget wisdom too.

waktu tidur tidak tetap untuk minggu ini.
lewat tidur saja nampaknya.
but still i have enough strength.Thank You Lord.
2 minggu lagi nampaknya rutin tidur lewat dan tidak cukup tidur akan berterusan.
apa pun...bersyukur selalu

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Fikir asaimen mesti pening.
Pening sebab terlalu fikir asaimen.
Sampai pigi gereja pun masih lagi fikir asaimen.
naaa...mendua hati sudah saya ni.

Hilang fokus!!!
Pening lagi....sakit kepala kalau tengok itu asaimen saya.
malam ni ada komsel di rumah, mau saja saya excape komsel, nasib kena buat di rumah saya kalau tidak memang saya tidak pigi sudah tu. *Mendua hati lagi*

Dia mengerti dan peduli hal saya.
Kenapa lagi saya meragui kekuatan Dia?

Lord, You know what I'm up against today. Sometimes my problems seem so big that all I can see is them and not you. Help me to take my eyes off the giants in my life and fix them on You. Cause me realize how big a God You really are and how willing you are to face all my problems with me, if I'll let You. Thank You that with You beside me, the victory is mine!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Found peace in prayer

 Philippians 4: 6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer 
and petition, with thanksgiving, presents your request to God. 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

This verses were the ones that convinced me that God really does wants us to pray about everything.
Don't wait the little problems become big problems.
Present them to God right away, and even when He doesn't answer your prayers the way you expect Him to, He always does something to ease the strain.

You know what, God is interested in every detail of your life.
What problems and frustrations did you carry yesterday
that you could have turned over to the  Lord?
Make note of them so that to day you can walk carefree.

Start today to pray about anything and everything concerns you, 
and then enjoy the peace and satisfaction that settle over you when you do!

Lord, I'm sorry for all the times I carried burdens I didn't have to, all because I neglected to bring them upon You in prayer. Open my eyes and my heart, and help me to see how much You love me and how much You care about every little concern of mine. whenever I am tempted to shoulder my burdens alone, please remind me to turn to You in prayer, and then surround me with Your perfect, healing peace. Amen!

我 太 愛 他

我 太 愛 他

容 易

沒 有 那 麼 容 易

Is my love for Him agape or philleo?

Monday, March 15, 2010

The twins

They are really cute!!!
like the haircut...

nice lyric...


Friday, March 12, 2010

busy mode

-_- busy...busy...busy...

1. Model 3D  for landscape
2. Model 3D for interior design

Cukup lagi ka duit saya ni ar?

Ada lagi kajian luar minggu depan, tempat pun belum cari lagi. Main serbu saja lar ni.

Banyaknya kerja ni...sampai minggu 14, orang lain siap kerja minggu 12. Adui, cemburunya saya!!!

Church activities:
1. Praise & Worship Festival - 21 March
2. 28 March as a worship leader. Still have no idea what to do. I'm so nervous!

19 March meeting my cousin at KL, Mr.Bruno is coming back to Malaysia, I can't wait to meet him.

Lord give me strength to overcome this situation. I trust You Lord because You are my Mighty God!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hear my cry O Lord

Lord, forgive me for the times I lost faith in You when my prayers weren't answered the way I expected. Teach me how to pray and stand in faith for You to work miracles on my behalf when I'm faced with adversity. Make me steadfast in my devotion to You, so that I will remain faithful to You, even when I don't get my way.Thank You that You are worthy of my trust, devotion, and praise!

If you know you loved by the King live for HIM


You are the King of Kings
I will exalt Your name
I will sing of Your love forever
I will worship You with all my heart

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

march oh march


Saya tidak sangka hal ini akan terjadi juga.

Berapa kali sudah saya mengelak dan membuat alasan.

Akhirnya, digenapi Tuhan.

and beautiful in His time.

21 March 2010 : Multimedia

28 March 2010 : Worship Leader

Nervous and its my first time.
Perlu doa dan puasa bulan ni.

 Isaiah 25:1
“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.”

Saturday, March 6, 2010

offline mode

I'm currently offline mode for my cafe world.

No cafe world for this month.

A lots of thing to settle down this month.

I need EXTRA energy!!!

A SHATTERED HEART: Finding God Amidst a Dating Break-up

I found out this e-book at


You can download it and it's free!
Enjoy reading everyone.

Thanks to :
Kevin L.Howard

Friday, March 5, 2010

Writing dried-up my brain

Actually i'm doing my interior design assignment with the four macho man...(^^;).

The tasks is we have to research ten interior design for commercial space of restaurant and cafe.
We already had found six and still need four more.


How many times i have to do this?

Saya tidak suka menulis esei...maksud saya dalam bentuk yang panjang.
Tiada idea apa yang mau ditulis sebenarnya.
Saya lebih kepada hands-on assignment.
Macam tu...

Itulah saya sebenarnya.

Lord, i don't have any idea right now.
I ask You to give me wisdom so that i can do my work with Your help.
Give me a heart to do everything in love.
To do my assignment with love.

Come idea...come!
I need you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meet my clumsy DAVID



My favourite food is kangkung.

erm...sejak bila pula David jadi hak milik saya ni?

Early morning

2.45 a.m

Suddenly wake up at this time after slept from 9pm-2.15am.
Enough sleep?

It's a tiring day for me.
I've stand in kitchen yesterday for 8 hours. leg is hurt.
Having such a great time with my partner for main course and the team also.
Yeah...our team did a very good job.
So, lecturer said no need to do staff report.
Thanks God!

My devotion today. This is from my favorite daily devotional :

Amsal 24:3
"Dengan hikmat rumah didirikan, dengan kepandaian itu ditegakkan"

1. Membangun mezbah keluarga di rumah dengan membaca alkitab bersama-sama. 
2. Mendoakan ahli keluarga dengan menyebut nama mereka setiap hari.
3. Bagi yang sudah berkahwin, suami isteri perlu menyerahkan pernikahan itu kepada Kristus.

No 1 : not yet in my family
No 2 : already pray for them, is a must for me to say each of my family member's name in my prayer
No 3 : Hoho...a future reminder for me. Will do it for sure. Yay!

Perubahan suatu bangsa dimulai dari perubahan dalam keluarga.

Me my family.

Time to sleep again.
Good rest for me.
Need extra energy.
Have class this morning.

Thank You Lord. 
I Love You so much.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I want it...

Sewing Machine in my mind right now.
I'm thinking to buy it next semester.
Budget between RM500-RM850.
Brand: Singer...maybe

Dari mana saya mau dapat duit beli ni?
ptptn? maybe.
Daddy? pencen sudah.
Mummy? maybe.

Have faith. Pray more to my beloved Rich Heavenly Father.
He knows before i ask Him.

Ibrani 13:5
" Aku tidak akan membiarkan kamu; Aku tidak akan meninggalkan kamu"

Dia sumber segala sesuatu.

Matius 7:7
" Mintalah, maka akan diberikan kepadamu; carilah, maka kamu akan mendapat; ketoklah, maka pintu akan dibukankan bagimu."

As He says : Ask, seek and knock.

Have faith in Him.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello March

Welcome March...!!!

2.30 a.m and its March.

Semalam saya menyiapkan tugasan sehingga tidak sedar hari ini masuk bulan March.
Finish 2/4 of my assignments. WeeeHeeee...
Walaupun tidak siap semua tapi saya tau pasti akan selesaikan semuanya itu. Pasti!

Dear Papa J,
Terima kasih kerana berikan kekuatan yang EXTRA kepada sasa ...
I can feel it...and yes i really do.
Kalau tidak mana mungkin saya belum tidur pada jam ini. Mustahil..!!!
Walaupun semester ini saya sudah kurangkan waktu tidur saya...
erm...and still a little bit slow for me to do my work and stuff.
I know You are the only one that give me an EXTRA strength for this matters.

This is my devotion for this morning and i really love it.

Mazmur 91:2
Tempat perlindunganku dan kubu pertahananku,
Allahku yang kupercayai.

See...i told you, HE is the one who gave me strength.
I'll do what You've told me to...
No more excuse rite? (^^;)

HE make me whole again.
I really miss HIM so much.
When will i see You again?

p/s: March is self-disicipline mode for sasa.


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