Sunday, February 28, 2010

End of February

Last day of  February.

Fikiran berterabur...tidak tau apa yang saya sudah buat selama sebulan ni.
Devotion tidak konsisten. This is really...really BAD.
Sorry Lord for that and next time no excuse for me.

Arghhh...sasa what have you done!!!


March is coming soon. Yes it's tomorrow.

2 Timothy 1:7
"God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

Self-disicipline is must for this new month.
I will not make it without my Papa Jesus. 
I am nothing without Him in my life.

I've heard this song while updating my blog. 
It gives me strength spiritually. 
Thank You Lord because you always love me.


Ajar ku terlebih lagi
mengasihi Mu
bawa ku mengerti isi hati Mu
baharuilah batinku dengan kuasa Roh Mu
inilah s'genap hidup ku
ku brikan bagi Mu
selama hidupku rindu menyatakan kemurahan Mu
yang tlah Kau perbuat di hidupku
kerna Kau terlebih rindu tuk pulihkan ku
bawa ku menjadi kesayangan Mu

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meeting David again!

It's been two weeks after I send 'it' back to his owner.

And finally, David is back again here in my house.
*actually my room* (^^,)

Not eating much, maybe it's the1st day for 'him' again.
Still 'he' likes to kacau cyn's property.
He know where to go actually.
Looking forward what will happen in a few days.

will update soon!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Books Collection

By: Joshua Harris
1. I Kissed Dating Goodbye
2. Boy Meets Girl Say Hello To Courtship

I already read both of this books twice. Really love the storyline.
Saya tidak pernah puas membacanya berulang kali.
Ada beberapa buah buku dari penulis ini belum lagi saya dapat cari dan membelinya.
Misi mencari akan datang!!!
Saya belum baca habis lagi buku ini. Hehehe...
Saya belajar bagaimana meminta maaf dengan orang lain.

seperti apa ya?
Read this book and you will know it.

Credits to both of them.

For single women!
Suits me well.
I like!

p/s: Actually there are more than six collections I have. Will update it here!

I'm not a desperate girls finding for the Mr.Right. LOL
Persiapan saja sebenarnya.

Monday, February 15, 2010


How i wish...
i would never met him in my life.
never knew him before.
How i wish that will happen,
 but i know it will not...

Mistakes that i have done in my past  make me know HIM more.
You knew my story.
You knew what had happened.
I am sorry my dear Papa Jesus.
Forgive my sins.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gabungan komsel + Gong xi fa cai + Valentine Day


Today i'm surrounded by love...Yes...i'm in love (^_^)
Hari ini ada gabungan komsel di gereja. 
Luar biasa!!!
Persembahan komsel mantap.

Hari ini sambutan Tahun Baru Cina.
Atmosphere of the celebration is just simple.
Banyak kedai cina tutup.
Tidak dapat makan babi!!!

I heart Papa Jesus.
I love Papa Jesus so much!!!

Nothing special on valentine's day this year.
I don't celebrate 14 February because...
Everyday is feel with love from the Heavenly Father.


I LOVE HIM with all my HEART

Friday, February 12, 2010

Trusting More Worrying Less

It's Friday and i'm free today.

Feels like to share something here.

What a week for me.
If i have no God in my life, what would happen to me?
Week feels with anger, sad, tension, frust, tired...etc.
Everything is mix up.

What a faithful God i have, He ask me to trust Him more.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding,
in all of your ways acknowledge Him, He will make your path straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6
Lord, teach me to trust in You,
I want to trust You more each and every single day of my life.

God is Good all the time,
All the time God is Good.

Awesome God i have!
He provide me everything before i ask Him.

He ask me not to worry about everything.
Yes Lord, i will not because You say so.

Filipi 4:6
"Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apa pun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur."

Trusting more.
Worrying less.

Have a bless.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010




*Updating my blog*

Really miss to write something here.

A lot of things happened last week.

1. Celebrating my birthday with my besties Corina, Timotius my church member + friend. Oppsss...and the one who celebrated the same birth date with me which is Bro. Anderias also my church member.

2. Field trip to Sg. Buloh mencari nurseri. Wow, I felt in love with the flowers. Later that day we went to One Utama (1U), sesat lagi kami baa ikut gerak hati saja. Confident...!!! Sampai disana karaoke time...huhu...

3. Saya dan Corina pergi ambil lesen kereta. (^^;). A birthday present from my dady, dia masukkan duit ke dalam akaun bank saya khas untuk lesen kereta. Thank You Dady!!!

4. David going back home...!!!

p/s: what a blessed week!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It almost 1 week David live with me.
I took care for 'him'.
He is

He so damn like Cynthia's.
Mengacau barang orang saja.

This is Cyn's conversation with me and Corina.

Me        : Dia suka pigi tempat c cyn tu...
Cyn       : Iyaa...kalau sana tempat dia membaca. Kalau yang tu naa tempat dia buat devotion.
Cor       : Ahahahahaha...lucu si David...

Yes, I also think 'he' likes to read. Hahaha

p/s :David likes to eat kangkung very much and a lot...!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am special

2 FEBRUARY...this is why I love February so much...!!!

The BEST gift I ever had is my Heavenly Father who created me.
I know He loves me so much.
No words can describe it.
That is why I am special.

Praise the Lord!
Saya masih lagi bernafas selama 23 tahun hidup di bumi.
Bukan dengan kekuatan saya tapi semuanya atas kasih anugerah-Nya Tuhan.
Terima Kasih Tuhan Engkau telah menjaga dan memelihara saya.
Engkau sumber segalanya dalam hidup saya.
Engkau menyediakan rancangan yang sangat indah menjangkaui batas pemikiran saya.
Tiada suatu pun yang tersembunyi bagi-Mu.

Di saat jatuh ke lembah yang paling gelap,
Kau menghulurkan tangan-Mu.
Tidak Kau lihat dosa itu
Tetapi kasih Mu itulah yang menyelamatkan hidup saya.

Selama matahari masih bersinar
Selama masih lagi bernafas
Aku akan berharap terus pada-Mu.

Thank You Papa Jesus...!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Baby

It's February 2010...

It's not that i'm getting older one year again.

January ends very fast...
Saya tidak rasa pun masa begitu cepat sekali berlalu.
Azam baru ada yang belum dilaksanakan lagi.
Tidak apa masih ada lagi baki sebelas bulan.
Semangat ni...(^^;)

Tuhan terima kasih untuk bulan yang baru ini.

February oh...February...

My favorite months.
I like February so much...
Getting older is confusing me.
So much to think...
So much to dream...
So much to learn...

But I know it is...

Not by my sight
Not by my strength

All because of You...

My hope is in You Lord.
And I trust You with all my heart.
You are faithfull and truth.


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